About Us
Loaded Goat Homestead is a small homesteading operation located in Pittsylvania County, VA. In fact we operate on only 3 acres. We started a garden in 2012 out of a concern for the food that we had been eating. When reading the packaging labels on food items that we had purchased, we had a hard time pronouncing the ingredients and not those at the end of the list but those near the top! We investigated further into what was going into our bodies and quickly discovered that most foods we were purchasing were filled with stuff like Genetically Modified Organisms, pesticide laden grains, High Fructose Corn Syrup, and a bunch of other junk that increased the shelf life of the product but most likely decreased our shelf life.
Our garden quickly grew to include chickens, pigs, turkeys, bees, medicinal herbs, a green house, and soon to be included orchard. Yes, you can say our little garden quickly got out of hand, but for the most part we eat what we grow, we are self reliant, and we are striving for true sustainability.
After we took care of what we put inside of us, we grew concerned about what we put on us. Now we make all of our soaps, deodorant, and household cleaning products. We offer this for retail sale as well as wholesale - please contact us for wholesale pricing.
Our friends began asking us about our growing of food, processing of meat, cheese making, and homesteading in general. So in 2013 we began teaching others how to become self-sufficient on small plots of land. We've had individuals, families, and university classes come out to the homestead for various learning experiences including poultry processing, soap making, cheese making, and gardening. And, we would love for others to have that experience. If your not from our area, we have some great friends who have a farm stay and they not far from our homestead, which can be used as a base for a weekend or a week. There are a number of attractions in our area including wineries, farmer's markets, and other historical attractions.
Please call or email us at loadedgoathomestead@gmail.com, we'd love to meet you.